Exercise! (Again)

Any of you that actually read this blog may have noticed I’ve been talking a lot about exercise.  The long and short of it is, I’m overweight and I’m trying to make an actual effort this go around at losing weight.  So I’m blogging about here so that I’ll keep up with it better.

So, on to the exercise.  Went for a walk on Sunday like I said.  I haven’t done one since (Bad Bria), but I may try and go later once the sun starts going down.  It’s a bit too warm out right now for a walk.  I did some sit-ups and used the stability ball to give myself a little extra area of movement on Monday (abs are still screaming at me).  And yesterday I lifted the dumbbells.  And my arms are surprisingly not sore today.

That aside, I started perusing YouTube for workout videos and I’ve come across several that I’m interested in trying.  I’m currently working on Cardio Tae Bo (it totally kicked my ass and is about 43 minutes in length).  I have to say, I really like Tae Bo (I think it’s because of all the kicks).  I have Tae Bo Basic workout on VHS and I’ve been doing that the last week or so.  To me it’s pretty high intensity stuff.  It really makes me sweat and it can take a few weeks before I can actually make it through a whole video without stopping.  I’m going to be doing this every other day and I’m thinking about doing some Jillian Michaels workouts (also on YouTube).

I also signed up for SparkPeople who I also found through YouTube.  They have some great workout videos on YouTube.  I’ve decide to try their Sweatsuit to Swimsuit Bootcamp challenge which starts May 2nd and runs till the end of the month.  Looks like I found it just in time to get started! ;)

I have to say I really like their site.  You can keep track of the exact exercises you do (including the number of reps) and the food you eat.  Pretty much everything is completely customizable on there.  You can follow their premade plans or do your own.  They’ve got some pretty yummy looking recipes I’ll want to try.  And they have some great articles you can read!  So, if you by chance decide to sign up you can use EmmieWoo as you referral person. ;)

Now I’m going to go explore their site some more!


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