Far-Flung Adventures: Fergus Crane

Bria_Teragram | June 15, 2009

By Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell
Synopsis: Fergus Crane is a young boy who lives with his mother. Though they are poor, Fergus Crane is still able to go to school aboard the Betty-Jeanne. It’s a ship with strange classes and even stranger teachers. One night a flying box comes to Fergus’s window. [...]

The Forest: Part 3

Bria_Teragram | June 15, 2009

She leaned back in the chair, resting a hand on a her full stomach.  Her eyes roved over the people at the table.  Their eyes were a deep green like her parents.  As she stared at them, she could see some resemblance to her own mother in the woman that had spoken in the common [...]

Anthem for the Week - June 14

Bria_Teragram | June 14, 2009

“Big Star Machine” by Superchic[k]
Could someone help me comprehend
How my wanting to have friends
Is now this monster that I feed
It’s popularity I need
When people think that I’m the deal
It helps me feel like I am real
But I think I lost the me
Looking for the star machine
I don’t want any part of it
Everything is here today [...]

Getting Back on Track!

Bria_Teragram | June 14, 2009

I’ve been bad.  You can tell by look at my blog.  I promised some book reviews weeks ago.  I finally wrote the first one.  I’ve decided that I won’t write a book review for the second book in the Sisters Grimm series, since I wouldn’t have much extra to say, so I just tagged a [...]

Sisters Grimm: Fairy Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley

Bria_Teragram | June 14, 2009

Synopsis: Daphne and Sabrina Grimm are orphans. Their parents mysteriously disappear and after a series of foster homes they are finally given to an old woman who claims to be their grandmother, Relda. The girls soon learn that Ferryport Landing where Granny Relda lives is not a normal city. They find out [...]

The Forest: Part 2

Bria_Teragram | June 14, 2009

With her eyes still closed she went over her dream from the night before. It was so strange. The trees of her secret place had grown bear bread stairs and there were homes up in the trees. A whole city was up in her secret place. It was the best dream she could ever have. [...]

The Forest: Part 1

Bria_Teragram | June 13, 2009

She closed her eyes and simply floated away, letting the darkness come over her. Her mind turning towards that secret place in her head, to the place where she was at peace. The place where the trees went soaring up into the sky and no matter how long she climbed she never reached the top. [...]

The Forest: A Short Introduction

Bria_Teragram | June 13, 2009

Many years ago I started writing a story for one of my English classes.  We had to turn in weekly writings that were usually a reflection of things we had learned in class the previous week.  The TA for the class decided that because my writing skill was above average that it would be okay [...]