Cleaning Finds!

I meant to talk about this earlier, but last night as I shifted through some more papers as I looked for my print out of my Hartzog novel, I came across a little notebook.  And what a glorious notebook it was!

The title I gave to the notebook was:

A Novel in the Works
The Hell That is My Life
By Jaded Christian

In the notebook I found a sort of outline, or should I say plot points, of topics in my life that I wanted to write about (not that anyone would actually be interested in reading that).  I later started making a blog that was going to feature each thing I highlighted (I got all of two blog posts in before I ended up stopping).

Anyway, at some point in the notebook, after I had written out all the notes I had apparently felt like adding at the time, I had used it to make notes about a NaNo novel I did in 2005.  Along with the notes there were a few short written sections, which were probably done when I was at work or somewhere else.

Then I apparently picked up my notebook again in October 2006 and started making notes for the 2006 NaNo I never ended up writing.  I think I do have a few pages written on this NaNo, but I just got so busy with other things that I never finished it, but now I have some great notes for a really, really, really silly novel.

Anyhooo… finding the notebook made me really happy.  I may just have to use some of the things I wrote down in there for writing prompts at some point when I just want to write something not related to my current projects.


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